General Offer to Purchase Ordinary Shares of Krungsri Capital Securities Public Company Limited (“KCS”) from Minority Shareholders

18 April 2023

Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited (Bank) has completed the acquisition of ordinary shares of Capital Nomura Securities Public Company Limited (CNS) from Nomura Asia Investment Singapore Private Company Limited on March 7, 2023, which made the Bank became the major shareholder of CNS and CNS name was later changed to Krungsri Capital Securities Public Company Limited (KCS). The Bank would like to further make the general offer to purchase ordinary shares of KCS from all remaining minority shareholders and have appointed Kiatnakin Phatra Securities Public Company Limited to act as General Offer Agent.

Minority shareholders can study details of the offer from [Link] or call 66 (0) 2165 5555 press 4 during business day from 8.00 AM to 6.00 PM.
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