Krungsri Bill Payment

Krungsri provides Bill Payment services for goods, services, or other expenses on behalf of your company for both cases; your company would issue an invoice to clients or your buyers make payment via Krungsri’s payment channels; i.e. nationwide branches, e-channels, interbank bill payment of goods and services.

Bill payment services for goods and services available for 24 hours through offline and online channels, including Krungsri branches nationwide, Krungsri ATM, Krungsri Phone 1572, Krungsri Online, Krungsri Biz Online, Krungsri Mobile Application. The service also supports cross-bank payment. Your company can receive
the payment immediately and be able to review the payment status on a real-time basis via Krungsri CashLink.
  • Convenient - convenience in financial management as your company is able to receive payments through all channels.
  • Economical - payers and your company can save time and cost.
  • Verifiable - your company can review payments made by Payers.
  • Comprehensive - services cover all needs of every business group.
Bill Payment
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