Krungsri to provide online bank account opening service, taking digital lifestyle to next level

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Krungsri (Bank of Ayudhya PCL) reinforces its digital technology leadership as it plans to launch an online savings account opening service. The customer would find it convenient and easy to apply for the online service as only a national ID card or a passport and Krungsri Mobile Application (KMA) are required. In addition, Krungsri is currently under the development process of a new product based on electronic Know Your Customer technology (e-KYC), which will be rolled out by this year-end, while being confident to stay top of mind with digital users.

Mr. Phonganant Thanattrai, Krungsri Head of Retail Banking and Distribution Group, said “In accordance with the three-year Medium Term Business Plan for 2018-2020 under the ‘Think Digital First’ strategic theme, Krungsri has placed considerable emphasis on utilizing digital technology to maximize the efficiency of services and new product presentation. The online account opening service is one of the product and service development plans dynamically engineered by Krungsri. The service marks Krungsri’s crucial step in transforming the Bank’s traditional financial transactions into fully digitized ones. The new service provides customer convenience and helps save time and expenses as it enables customers to verify their identity via the e-KYC system so that they do not have to visit a branch. By using only KMA and a national ID card or a passport in a self-verification process, a customer can easily open Krungsri’s savings account online anywhere, anytime.”

e-KYC is an electronic self verification process that helps simplify the restriction and difficulty for customers who want to open a bank account, so opening an account via mobile phones is now available. Customers do not need to come to the bank branch in order to fill in the information and hand on the documents for identifying themselves to the bank staff anymore. Trusted and adopted globally, e-KYC corresponds to the government’s policy in driving every economic sector, including the financial sector, to the digital economy.

“In response to the rise of e-KYC technology, Krungsri has also prepared to launch a new product at the end of this year. The product is especially developed to be compatible with the e-KYC system and, at the same time, serve the customers seeking new technologies and convenience via the digital platform. Krungsri is confident that this product will be in high demand among our target customers, and will become one of Krungsri’s key products in the future.”


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